Displaying the School of Law logo prominently on all communications promotes a consistent visual presence of our school.
Brand extensions are core entities that directly support and further the university’s mission. They are highly visible and must always be tied directly to the master brand lockup, to reinforce and elevate the strength of the brand.
Please contact Rachael Krupski.
Complete the Brand Extension Request form to download the School of Law brand extension lockup. Once completed, you will immediately be sent to a page where you can download your brand extension lockup. The School of Law Office of Communications will be notified.
After you complete the form, you will be taken to a web page with downloads for all of UB's schools. Click on "School of Law" and then you will see the download button for "Print and Digital."
The following programs, clinics, and centers are approved School of Law Sub-Brands and have an official university logo. To access these logos, please contact Rachael Krupski.
Individual offices within the School of Law are not permitted to create their own logos. All offices should use the official School of Law logo.
The UB academic brand uses several important marks, including our logo. Each has a specific role in representing the university.