Resources and Guidelines

Discover the School of Law's messaging map, font and color strategy, photography resources and tips, and environmental guidelines.

On this page:

See Also:

Some items are only available for download to UB faculty and staff. To download the materials, please use your UBID name and password.

Messaging Map

Our messaging map acts as a guide for law school faculty and staff. It is intended to provide a framework for all law school communications that consistently tells our unique story, while aligning with the university's brand attributes.

Brand Fonts and Substitutes

The University uses specific fonts in their marketing to convey our brand:

Sofia Pro.
more pro.

However, these fonts are generally not available in for use in Word documents, PowerPoint presentations and/or digital applications. The following fonts are acceptable substitutes:

Arial is an acceptable substitute for Sofia Pro.

Arial is an acceptable substitute for Sofia Pro.

Georgia is an acceptable substitute for More Pro.

Georgia is an acceptable substitute for More Pro.

Color Strategy

For prospective students: Casual Vibrant

Based upon collaborations with our Admissions Office, we have identified our primary colors as UB Blue and Hayes Hall White with pops of Letchworth Autumn. When needed, we will also use Lake LaSalle as a pop color.

For all other audiences: Sophisticated Vibrant

Our primary colors are UB Blue and Hayes Hall White with pops of Townsend Gray and Solar Strand. When needed, we will also use Lake LaSalle as a pop color.

UB Blue CMYK: 100/53/0/0 PMS: 2935 RGB: 0/91/187 HEX: #005bbb.

UB Blue

CMYK: 100/53/0/0
PMS: 2935
RGB: 0/91/187
HEX: #005bbb

Hayes Hall White CMYK: 0/0/0/0 PMS: White RGB: 255/255/255 HEX: #ffffff.

Hayes Hall White

CMYK: 0/0/0/0
PMS: White
RGB: 255/255/255
HEX: #ffffff

Letchworth Autumn.

Letchworth Autumn

CMYK: 0/72/70/0
PMS: 7416
RGB: 229/106/84
HEX: #e56a54

Putnam Grey.

Townsend Gray

CMYK: 30/22/17/57
RGB: 102/102/102
HEX: #666666

Solar Strand.

Solar Strand

CMYK: 0/19/89/0
PMS: 123
RGB: 255/199/44
HEX: #ffc72c

Lake LaSalle.

Lake LaSalle

CMYK: 66/0/39/0
PMS: 3265
RGB: 0/166/156
HEX: #00a69c

Photography Resources


Images are a powerful visual asset for helping us tell our story.  If you have an event that you would like photographed, submit your request to the School of Law Office of Communications at We can assist in arranging professional photography and/or providing in-house photographers. 

Photography Tips

Examples in UB's brand photography collections

Check out the Brand Photography Collections in UB's Photo Database. This is a great guide for choosing photos that align with the UB brand!

Taking event photos yourself?

Tell the full story with wide, medium, and close up images. Be patient and wait for emotion and moments. Every event has a beginning, middle, and end. Try to capture the entire story.

Basic photo composition guidelines

Remember the rule of thirds

  • Fill the frame
  • Use leading lines
  • Watch for clear backgrounds
  • Don't cut off limbs when photographing people

Style notes

  • Focus. Use short depth of field and selective focus on tight and medium shots.
  • Framing. Incorporate large amounts of negative space to allow for the overlay of text in layouts. 
  • Subject. Capture candid, authentic moments. Avoid overly posed or staged images. No looking directly at the camera. The exception to this rule is the Portrait category. People being featured in a more personal, in-depth or editorial manner can appear more posed and can be looking directly at the camera.
  • Lighting. Bright, natural, directional light is always preferred. Studio lighting should be subtle. 
  • Composition. Coverage options for focus and framing help build a strong library. Use both selective focus and full focus. Choose short, medium and wide framing options. 
  • Abstract. Objects, especially a lot of the architecture on campus, can be captured in a more abstract manner, focusing on details and nuances rather than the entire structure.

UB's Environmental Guidelines

Integrating the brand throughout the university's physical spaces will help us create a cohesive look and make a memorable impression on students, faculty, staff and visitors.

Download the Environmental Guidelines