The Justice Seekers

It was Learned Hand, the legendary federal judge and judicial philosopher, who said, “If we are to keep our democracy, there must be one commandment: Thou shalt not ration justice.”

Never have his words been more vital. And for UB Law alumni who are putting their training into action by advancing the cause of justice, that work has never been more important. 

Lawyers, of course, form the backbone of the American system of justice. In practice and by their example, they pledge themselves to the rule of law, an aspiration that unifies us as a nation. They also work in the real world, one constrained by budgets and caseloads and never enough hours in the day. The best of them, though, persist—following their principles day after day, confident that their work moves the needle a little closer to a just society.

Meet 10 alums who are bringing their best selves to the cause of seeking justice.