

A comprehensive final exam schedule is listed below; you may also find your personalized final exam schedule in your HUB Student Center (via MyUB).

IT Live Support During Exams!

If you are having an issue with your computer or with Examplify use the contact information below:

Live Zoom Support Line:
https://buffalo.zoom.us/j/95845496130 or by phone +1 646 558 8656 (use code: 958 4549 6130)

Google Hangouts: add law.it.live@gmail.com to your UB Gmail chat client

Exam Schedules

Students are required to be available throughout the entire exam period.

Courses with a course number ending in SEM or TUT will not have a final exam, but there may be papers due during the exam period - check with your professor. Courses from other departments that follow the university schedule will not have exams scheduled through the law school - check with your professor.

Exam reschedule policy - Examination conflicts will automatically be rescheduled. Please consult rescheduling policy for details.

  • Bridge 2025 Exams will be held on Friday, January 31
  • Spring 2025 (May 5-16) Exam Schedule  - DRAFT
  • Summer 2025 Contact your professor
  • Fall 2025 (Dec 1-12) Exam Schedule

Exam reschedule policy - Examination conflicts will automatically be rescheduled. Please consult rescheduling policy for details. This link has intentionally been posted twice in this section.

  • Taking Exams
    The University at Buffalo School of Law uses a variety of assessment measures.  One such measure is a final examination. Instructors may choose to give a written essay, multiple choice, or true/false exam through the ExamSoft software Examplify. They may also administer their own examination via UBLearns.  Some instructors may use multiple exam administration methods.
  • Exam Policies and Procedures
    Students should adhere to the following exam policies. Specific information about each exam will be provided on the exam schedule and on exam day. Some instructions for specific exams may be emailed to students.