March 2024

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illustration of a figure running with several arrows pointing in one direction, includes texts that says Rally the Pass, 90%.

Passing the bar is a bit of a numbers game—and 90 seems to be the magic number. Data shows that UB Law graduates who complete at least 90 percent of their commercial bar preparation course are very likely to succeed in their first attempt to pass the New York Bar Exam. Rally the Pass – an ambitious pilot project - builds on the law school’s evolving efforts to support students during bar prep, with a laser focus on helping them reach that 90 percent threshold. [Read More]

Law School News

Faculty Spotlight

  • Gargano to oversee clinics and experiential education
    After serving as vice dean for student affairs for nearly eight years, law faculty member and administrator Bernadette Gargano embraces a new role as vice dean for experiential education and social justice initiatives, and director of Clinical Legal Education.