illustration of black background with connecting white lines and dots.

What your law clerks know about AI in legal research and writing

Monday, May 5, 2025
4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
UB Gateway Building, Room 208
77 Goodell Street, Buffalo, NY 14203 [View map]

This program explores the AI tools and techniques today's law students are bringing to their summer clerkships. Designed for supervising attorneys and legal employers, this session bridges the knowledge gap between generations and provides practical guidance on effectively managing AI use in your practice.

Participants will:
  • Understand the AI applications law students are currently trained to use
  • Learn how to establish appropriate boundaries and protocols for AI assistance
  • Discover how to leverage these new skills while maintaining quality control
  • Explore ethical considerations and best practices for AI in legal research and writing

Join us to prepare your practice for the changing landscape of legal technology and make the most of your summer associates' cutting-edge skills.


  • George Brown '12 Esq., Lecturer in Law, University at Buffalo School of Law

The deadline to register is Saturday, May 3.

CLE: 2 NYS CLE Credits
Earn 1.0 credits in Law Practice Management and 1.0 credits in Ethics and Professionalism (Transitional or Non-Transitional).

CLE Materials will be available prior to the program.

This program is sponsored by the University at Buffalo School of Law and Career Services Office.

Questions? Please contact Jennifer Scharf at

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