students sitting outside north campus, practicing social distancing.

Student Bar Association (SBA)

The Student Bar Association is the elected body that represents student interests at the University at Buffalo School of Law. SBA serves as a channel for the student body and seeks to establish open communication channels and bonds amongst the student body with the administration, faculty and legal profession in the community.

Contact Us

President: Hannah Johnston
Vice President: Chloe Charles
Treasurers: Henry Alaimo and Giulia Buscaglia
Parliamentarian: Nadine Sallaj
Events/Fundraising Chair: Andrew Cegielski

Contact: 205 O'Brian Hall, 716-645-2748,
Find us in: UBLink, Facebook, Instagram, X, Website

SBA functions as the governing body organization for many of the student organizations, academic journals, and moot courts. Directed by SUNY, University, and School of Law policies, SBA also allocates funding collected from student activity fees for various student events, including hosting a number of social and educational events to enhance the student experience.

There are over 30 different student groups at UB School of Law. The majority are under the umbrella of the Student Bar Association. View a full list of clubs, journals and moot courts.

SBA’s bimonthly meetings are listed on the events calendar and are open to everyone. In addition to SBA club business, these meetings can be considered an open forum for any student wishing to share a suggestion or concern.

SBA Office Hours - Spring 2025

President Hannah Johnston:
Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

Vice President Chloe Charles:
Mondays, 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

Treasurer Giulia Buscaglia:
Tuesdays, 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Treasurer Henry Alaimo:
Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.

Parliamentarian Nadine Sallaj:
Can be reached by appointment via Zoom

Events Coordinator Andy Cegielski:
Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

Others by appt:

Policies & Forms Leadership Conference Funding

President: Hannah Johnston
Vice President: Chloe Charles
Treasurers: Henry Alaimo and Giulia Buscaglia
Parliamentarian: Nadine Sallaj
Events/Fundraising Chair: Andrew Cegielski

Contact: 205 O'Brian Hall, 716-645-2748,
Find us in: UBLink, Facebook, Instagram, X, Website

Class Directors

1L Directors: Samir Spencer, Mena Arhere. Xaneya Thomas, Andre Lloyd, (Alt): Grace Martone (Alt), Hayden Darmstedter (Alt)
2L Directors: Seth Hannum, Richard Neri, Nyles Panus, Julia Hoffmann, Parizoda Nasimjonova (Alt)
3L Directors: Sierra Leitten, Rani Patel, Joe Tempski, Alexis Buckner-Smerina
LLM/2YR Director: Claudia Villegas Ramos