Bernadette Gargano (left) with Hon. Rose H. Sconiers '73, Hon. William M. Skretny.
The Lecturer Bernadette Gargano's Pro Se Civil Litigation Support Practicum was selected to receive the Bar Association of Erie County's 2015 Justice Award. Also selected to receive this award was Natalie M. Stutz '12 of the Volunteer Lawyers Project for her Family Court Help Desk/Federal Court Pro Se Assistance Program.
The purpose of the Justice Award is to recognize and individual or program whose efforts have substantially contributed to the improvement of the justice system. Law students participating in Gargano’s practicum provided over 1,500 hours of assistance to pro se litigants appearing at the help desks in family and federal court. In addition, Gargano frequently serves as a volunteer attorney for the federal court help desk.
The award will be presented at the Association’s Annual Law Day Luncheon on Wednesday, April 29 at the Hyatt Regency Buffalo, from 12:00-2:00 p.m.