May 2014

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  • Law School alumni association set to honor six on May 20
    Three judges, a business litigator, a specialist in corporate law and a veteran federal prosecutor will be honored May 20 as the Law Alumni Association of SUNY Buffalo Law School presents its annual Distinguished Alumni Awards.
  • Hard questions, no easy answers in an Earth Day forum
    Who’s in charge here? An Earth Day forum on environmental protection asked that question, examining the role of governments and private groups in setting priorities and keeping our natural resources from destruction.
  • Talking taxation, from Paris to Buffalo
    “Building relationships and knowledge” was the goal as 33 students – 17 French law students and 16 SUNY Buffalo Law students – gathered in April for intensive study of that universal constant in human governance: taxation.
  • Jacob S. Sonner ’14 wins prestigious national writing award
    Law student Jake Sonner ’14 has been awarded the 2014 Distinguished Legal Writing Award from the Burton Foundation for his article in the Buffalo Law Review’s August 2013 issue, “A Crack in the Floodgates: New York’s Fourth Department, the PLCAA, and the Future of Gun Litigation after Williams v. Beemiller.”  The Burton Award is only given to 15 authors from entries submitted by the nation’s top law schools.