The Opinion.

The Opinion

The Opinion was the School of Law's official student newspaper, published by law students for law students. The first issue debuted on November 29, 1949, and was a forum for the discussion of law school issues and events.

The first issue of The Opinion debuted on November 29, 1949 under the leadership of Michael Beilewech, Jr. '51, the first editor. The inception of the newspaper coincided with the opening of the new West Eagle Street Law School building.

In the first editorial, The Opinion promised its readers:

This is a law students' newspaper and as such will maintain a certain aura of decorum not exhibited by the ordinary campus publications...Our columns are dedicated to the presentation of any news or views of interest to the Law School, the Alumni or the Faculty.

The Opinion has historically served as a forum for law student viewpoints with an editorial staff comprised of law students. In 1977 it won the American Bar Association’s Award for Excellence.
