Whether by making an impact in the Buffalo community or taking your education overseas, our Academic Advisors are here to help you open doors to a multitude of worthwhile experiences.
Karen Joppe (she/her)
Undergraduate Law Program Advisor & Coordinator
Contact: 423 O’Brian Hall / 716-645-5127 / karentho@buffalo.edu
Schedule an appointment: View Karen’s availability
Melinda Saran (she/her)
Undergraduate Law Academic Advisor
Interim Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Vice Dean for Undergraduate Student Affairs, Teaching Faculty
Contact: 422 O’Brian Hall / 716-645-6603 / saran@buffalo.edu
Schedule an appointment: View Melinda’s availability
The School of Law conducts an academic review of all students at the conclusion of each fall and spring semester.
Good Standing in Law BA
A student is in Good Standing in the Law BA if they have earned a C or higher in any Law BA Core Courses taken and their GPA across all Law BA Major Courses is a 2.000 or higher.
Academic Warning in Law BA
Academic Warning in the Law BA is an official notification that the student’s academic performance does not meet School of Law standards. A student is placed on Academic Warning in the Law BA if one or both of the following apply:
After the Academic Warning, a student receives a hold that limits their ability to register in courses until they meet with their School of Law Academic Advisor. The goal of the advising appointment is to connect the student with resources that may help them improve their academic performance. The notice letter provides details needed to schedule an advising appointment.
A student has two semesters, including subsequent winter or summer, to improve their Law BA GPA and/or grade(s) in Law BA Core Courses to the minimum standards of the Law BA.
Academic Notice in Law BA
Academic Notice in the Law BA is an official notification that the student’s academic performance has not met the School of Law standards for a second, subsequent semester. A student is placed on Academic Notice in the Law BA if one or both of the following apply:
After the Academic Notice, a student receives a hold that limits their ability to register in courses until they meet with their School of Law Academic Advisor. The goal of the advising appointment is to connect the student with resources that may help them improve their academic performance. The notice letter provides details needed to schedule an advising appointment.
A student has one semester, including subsequent winter or summer, to improve their GPA to the minimum standards of the Law BA.
Dismissal from Law BA
A student is Dismissed from the Law BA if they do not improve their Law BA GPA and/or grade(s) in Law BA Core Courses to the minimum standards of the Law BA within two semesters, including subsequent winter or summer.
After the Dismissal, a student has 10 days to change their major or appeal their dismissal** with the School of Law. If after 10 days a student has not changed their major or appealed, their major will be changed to Exploring Alternatives Bachelor and the Exploratory and Pre-Professional Advising Center (EPAC) will help them transition to a viable alternative major at UB.
** Students with legitimate extenuating circumstances may submit an appeal to remain in the Law BA. Specific examples include documented medical issues of the student or an immediate family member, the death of an immediate family member, a disability, or military orders. We also consider other significant hardships. Students submitting an appeal may also explore Academic Withdrawal from University Coursework with their Academic Advisor.
Students who have completed the requirements for the BA in Law degree in fall, spring or summer are invited to participate in the School of Law Commencement Ceremony, held in mid-May.
Please review the Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog for the maximum number of credits (units) a student is permitted to enroll in per semester.
If you wish to register for more than the maximum number of credits in a given semester, you must receive permission from the School of Law Undergraduate Program.
Eligibility for Credit Override
Possible Override Requests by Term
If you do not meet the eligibility requirements, please contact your Academic Advisor to discuss your circumstances for further consideration.
View a list of experiential learning opportunities available to undergraduate BA students, eligibility, and how to apply.
Lockers in O’Brian Hall are reserved for the JD, LLM and JSD students—there are just enough available to meet the needs of those student groups.
Lockers are available to our undergraduate students through Student Unions and can be rented out by semester or full academic year (Student Unions Website).
School of Law's Undergraduate Programs
716-645-6603 / law-undergraduate@buffalo.edu.