Reciprocity Policy

  1. Services are available only to those ABA-accredited law schools that allow University at Buffalo students and/or graduates use of their facilities.
  2. Reciprocity requests are considered individually and are generally granted on a one-to-one basis. Students/alumni will be given reciprocity for a 3-month period. Generally, this is determined by the date on the response letter.
  3. Access to our job postings, resource materials and counseling will be restricted to those students and graduates of other eligible law schools that allow in-kind access to University at Buffalo students and graduates. Job Postings will be available on line only for those students and graduates of other eligible law schools which allow the same for University at Buffalo Law students and graduates. However, those students and graduates will not be able to upload documents or apply for jobs through our online job bank, LOCK.
  4. Reciprocity recipients who apply for positions found through the University at Buffalo School of Law or posted on our online job bank must mention, in their cover letter, that they are applying through a reciprocal arrangement between his/her law school and the School of Law.
  5. On-campus or off-campus interview program access is not available to students and graduates from other institutions requesting reciprocal services.
  6. The Career Services Office reserves the right to suspend services to law schools having reciprocity requests that are substantially disproportionate to School of Law's requests to those schools. If problems arise with the individual granted reciprocity, such as abuse of the facilities, staff and/or resources, we reserve the right to terminate their privileges and notify their law school career services office.
  7. Requests for services must be made by the student or graduate’s career services office, in writing, at least one week in advance. When submitting a request by letter or email, please make sure to include the student year or graduation date and email address of the individual requesting reciprocity. The reciprocity seeker should wait for a copy of our written response before contacting the office. Walk-in requests will not be honored.
  8. No services or access are provided from August 1 through November 15.
  9. Requests for reciprocity should be sent to the University at Buffalo School of Law, 608 O’Brian Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260 or preferably emailed to