Heidi M. Hurd (University of Illinois College of Law), Paul H. Robinson (University of Pennsylvania Law School), Luis Chiesa (UB School of Law), Antony Duff (University of Minnesota Law School), John Vervaele (Utrecht University), and Kai Ambos (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany)
The Buffalo Criminal Law Center (BCLC) provides students and scholars with a one-of-a-kind platform for in-depth study of domestic, international and comparative criminal law.
The BCLC enriches the academic life of the University at Buffalo School of Law and the broader domestic and international academic community by organizing important academic events, hosting visiting scholars and promoting the convergence of common law and civil law approaches to criminal justice.
BCLC Colloquium Series. The innovative BCLC Colloquium Series offers a forum for promising junior and established senior scholars to present their work to some of America’s leading criminal law theorists. The work is presented live to the Law School's accomplished criminal law faculty and via teleconference to some of the leading criminal law theorists in the country
BCLC Conferences. Conferences will bring together scholars from the United States and abroad to tackle pressing issues in the theory and practice of criminal law.
BCLC Visiting Researcher Program. The BCLC Visiting Researcher Program provides prestigious domestic and international scholars with an ideal setting for incorporating U.S. criminal law into their research. Visiting scholars have the invaluable opportunity to discuss their research with the Law School's talented criminal law faculty as well as with visiting criminal law scholars. In turn, visiting researchers enrich the Law School community by sharing their interesting and cutting-edge work with students and faculty.
BCLC Comparative Criminal Law Conversations Project. The BCLC Comparative Criminal Law Conversations Project aims to bridge the gap between common law and civil law approaches to criminal law by providing U.S. scholars, students and practitioners with a unique forum in which to interact and learn from civil law academics, students and practicing attorneys. The first of many BCLC-sponsored comparative criminal law conversations is currently under way. In an unprecedented project, the BCLC is spearheading an effort that will feature English translations of seminal German and Spanish works in criminal theory, followed by replies written by leading Anglo-American scholars.
The BCLC's Comparative Criminal Law Conversations Project, Visiting Researcher Program and Colloquium Series further strengthen the Law School’s strong curricular program in criminal law. The University at Buffalo School of Law is one of a handful of law schools in the United States that provides its students with the opportunity to pursue a J.D. with a concentration in criminal law and an LL.M. in criminal law. As a result, the Law School offers more specialized courses in criminal law than the vast majority of schools in the United States. BCLC-sponsored events further enhance the already rich array of activities that for many years has distinguished the University at Buffalo School of Law as one of the United States’ premier institutions for the study of criminal law.