
Academic Degrees and Programs

Each student at the School of Law has an opportunity to craft a curriculum drawing from numerous classes, clinics, concentrations, research centers, degree programs, and a library to build a rich sequence of courses and experiences.

  • Undergraduate
    The changing market for legal services is fueling the growth of new law-related career possibilities. Many of these careers do not require the skills of a licensed attorney, but they do demand a sound understanding of the law. By gaining an understanding of the basic functional areas of law, you will have a competitive advantage in the marketplace, wherever your career takes you.
  • J.D. Program
    A UB School of Law education incorporates both the theory of law and the real-world skills that new graduates need to succeed as lawyers.
  • LL.M. Programs
    Students who already have a first degree in law may pursue a Master of Laws or LLM degree. Our three LLM programs provide highly specialized courses of study designed to match a student’s intellectual interests and advance their career to the next level.
  • J.S.D. Program
    The Doctor of Juridical Science is the law school’s most advanced degree. It makes
    full use of our creative and interdisciplinary faculty to prepare students for careers as law professors, in judicial and other public offices, as well as in high-level policy positions in international organizations.
  • Advanced Standing Two-Year Juris Doctor for Internationally Trained Lawyers
    A program for those who already have a law degree and who wish to practice U.S. law, either in the U.S. or abroad.
  • Dual Degrees & Interdisciplinary Programs
    Dual degree programs give you a career advantage and reduce the total time required to earn two degrees by up to a year. Many of our students pursue both the JD degree and a master’s degree simultaneously.