J.D., LL.M. and J.S.D Admissions

Welcome to the School of Law!

The University at Buffalo School of Law and the Law School Admissions Council work together to make your application process seamless. As always, our Admissions Team is here to help.

Prepared to Succeed

87.41% pass rate for UB Law graduates who took the July 2024 NYS Bar Exam for the first time.

For the second year in a row, UB Law graduates outperformed first-time NYS Bar Exam takers from ABA-approved law schools in the State of New York (87.06 percent).

Tuition for 2024-25*

  In-State Non-NY Residents
J.D & LL.M.
$26,170 $31,470
J.S.D. $11,310 $24,990

* These figures do not include additional fees and expenses.
Tuition rates are subject to change.

Refer to UB’s Student Accounts for the most current information regarding New York State residency. 

Learn More

The Admissions Team

To speak with an Admissions staff member, please contact:

Lindsay J. Gladney

Vice Dean for Admissions

School of Law

410 O'Brian Hall, North Campus

Phone: 716-645-2907

Email: ljsutton@buffalo.edu

Katherine (Kate) Szymaszek

Manager of Recruitment and International Enrollment

School of Law

408A O’Brian Hall, North Campus

Phone: 716-645-2907

Email: kszymasz@buffalo.edu

Benjamin Rogers

Associate Director of Admissions; Director of 3+3 Programs

School of Law

409 O'Brian Hall, North Campus

Phone: 716-645-2907

Email: bdrogers@buffalo.edu

Justyce Ramsey

Admissions Coordinator

School of Law

408 O’Brian Hall, North Campus

Phone: 716-645-2907

Email: justycer@buffalo.edu

Office of Admissions
University at Buffalo School of Law
408 O'Brian Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260
716-645-2907, law-admissions@buffalo.edu


The Office of Admissions is available Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for in-person appointments, as well as phone and video meetings. Request an appointment today!

Our Viewbook

The School of Law is as much a way as it is a place. You stand at the threshold of a life-changing experience.

Read more for yourself by viewing our Viewbook.