Associate Professor
Research Focus: Civil Procedure, Property, Intellectual Property Law, Patent Law, Administrative Law, Empirical Legal Studies, Law and Social Science Legislation, Constitutional Law
Links: SSRN, Curriculum Vitae
522 O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100
Overqualified and Underrepresented: Gender Inequality in the Pharmaceutical Patent Field (with S. Sean Tu & Paul Gugliuzza), 48 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW (2022).
Statutory Interpretation and Chevron Deference in the Appellate Courts: An Empirical Analysis, UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW Volume 2 (Spring 2022).
Presidential Ideology and Immigrant Detention (with Catherine Y. Kim), 69 DUKE LAW JOURNAL1855, 1855-1903 (2020).
An Empirical Study of Political Control Over Immigration Adjudication (with Catherine Y. Kim), 108(2) GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL579, 579-647 (2020).
An Empirical Examination of Agency Statutory Interpretation, 103(5) MINNESOTA LAW REVIEW101, 101-91 (2019).
Specialized Trial Courts in Patent Litigation: A Review of the Patent Pilot Program’s Impact on Appellate Reversal Rates at the Five-Year Mark, 60(2) BOSTON COLLEGE LAW REVIEW519, 519-91 (2019).
Judicial Elections, Public Opinion, and Decisions on Lower Salience Issues (with Brandice Canes-Wrone & Tom Clark), 15(4) JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL LEGAL STUDIES672, 672-707 (2018).
Bush v. Gore in the American Mind: Reflections and Survey Results on the Tenth Anniversary of the Decision Ending the 2000 Election Controversy, in ELECTION REFORM IN THE UNITED STATES AFTER BUSH V. GORE, 3-75 (R. Michael Alvarez and Bernard Grofman, eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2019)