Research Focus: Contracts, Sales, Conflict of Laws, Transnational Litigation
Links: SSRN, Curriculum Vitae
O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100
Phone: 716-645-7878
Response to Plaintiffs Motion in Support of Final Approval, Tanya Monestier (2024)
Motion for Reconsideration, Tanya Monestier (2024) and Suggestions in Support of a Motion, Tanya Monestier (2024)
Objection to the Proposed National Class Action Settlement with the National Association of Realtors and to Plaintiff’s Request for Attorneys’ Fees and Guide to Understanding the Objection, Tanya Monestier (2024)
Sample Buyer Representation Agreement and Commentary on Sample Buyer Representation Agreement, Tanya Monestier (2024)
Commentary on REBNY Buyer Broker Checklist, Tanya Monestier (2024)
Report on Buyer Representation Agreements Post NAR Settlement, Tanya Monestier (2024)
The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide to Real Estate Commissions and Signing a Representation Agreement, Tanya Monestier (2024)
The Ultimate Seller’s Guide to Real Estate Commissions and Signing a Listing Agreement, Tanya Monestier (2024)
Report on CAR Proposed Buyer Representation Agreement, Tanya Monestier (2024)
Report on CAR Proposed Seller Listing Agreement, Tanya Monestier (2024)
SH*T NO ONE TELLS YOU ABOUT LAW SCHOOL (Carolina Academic Press, 2022)
Amazon’s Dirty Little Secret, 69 VILLANOVA LAW REVIEW 521 (2024)
Cake-and-Eat-it-Too Clauses, 2024 WISCONSIN LAW REVIEW 87 (2024)
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The Scope of Generic Choice of Law Clauses, 56 UC DAVIS LAW REVIEW 959-1018 (2023)
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Amazon as a Seller of Marketplace Goods Under Article 2, 107 CORNELL LAW REVIEW 101 (2022)
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Damages for Breach of a Forum Selection Clause, 58 AMERICAN BUSINESS LAW JOURNAL 271 (2021)
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Fixer Upper: Buyer Deposits in Residential Real Estate Transactions, 80 OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL 1149 (2019)
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When Forum Selection Clauses Meet Choice of Law Clauses, 69 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 325 (2019)
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Forum Selection Clauses and Consumer Contracts in Canada, 36 BOSTON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 177-220 (2018)
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You’re It! Tag Jurisdiction Over Corporations in Canada, 50 VANDERBILT JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW (2017)
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Whose Law of Personal Jurisdiction? The Choice of Law Problem in the Recognition of Foreign Judgments, 96 BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW (2016)
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Registration Statutes, General Jurisdiction, and the Fallacy of Consent, 36 CARDOZO LAW REVIEW (2015)
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Where is Home Depot “At Home”? Daimler v. Bauman and the End of Doing Business Jurisdiction, 66 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL 233-293 (2014)
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Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments, 42 THE ADVOCATES’ QUARTERLY (2013)
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(Still) A “Real and Substantial” Mess: The Law of Jurisdiction in Canada, 36 FORDHAM INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL (2013)
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Is Canada the New Shangri-La of Global Securities Class Actions? 32 NORTHWESTERN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND BUSINESS (2012)
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Transnational Class Actions and the Illusory Search for Res Judicata, 86 TULANE LAW REVIEW (2011)
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A “Real and Substantial” Improvement? Van Breda Reformulates the Law of Jurisdiction in Ontario, eds. T. Archibald and R. Echlin, ANNUAL REVIEW OF CIVIL LITIGATION (2010)
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Personal Jurisdiction Over Non-Resident Class Members: Have We Gone Down the Wrong Road?, 45 TEXAS INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 537-572 (2010)
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A “Real and Substantial” Mess: The Law of Jurisdiction in Canada, 33 QUEEN’S LAW JOURNAL (2007)
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Foreign Judgments at Common Law: Rethinking the Enforcement Rules, 28 DALHOUSIE LAW JOURNAL (2005)
Book Reviews and Shorter Articles
Book Review, Cross-Border Torts, Canadian-U.S. Litigation Strategies, by Wyatt Pickett, 51 CANADIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (2013)
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Lépine v. Canada Post: Ironing Out the Wrinkles in the Inter-provincial Enforcement of Class Judgments, 34 THE ADVOCATES’ QUARTERLY (2008)
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A Win-Win Proposition: The Viability of a Rule 23(B)(1)(b) Class Action in the American Mass Tort Context, CLASS ACTION: A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO CLASS PROCEEDINGS, PROCEDURE AND LEGISLATION, Vol. I, No. 3 (2002)
Brief of Professor Tanya Monestier as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondent, Mallory v. Norfolk Southern Railway Co. (U.S. Supreme Court, 2022) (No. 21-1168)
The Law School Lounge, What is it Like Being a First-Generation Student? - Episode 1
The Law School Lounge, How to Take (Good) Notes in Law School - Episode 2
The Law School Lounge, How do I Prepare for Class and the Socratic Method?- Episode 3
The Law School Lounge, What is Outlining for a Law School Course? - Episode 4