Manoj Mate

man wearing suite, smiling.


Research Focus: Public Law, Constitutional Law, Election Law, and Comparative Constitutional Law

Links: SSRN, Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

708 O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100

Biography Publications


Constitutional Structure and Election Law (forthcoming)

Election Law and Democratic Crises, 2025 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LEGAL FORUM (2025) (forthcoming invited contribution)

New Hurdles to Redistricting Reform: Moore, State Evasion, and Partisan Gerrymandering, 56 CONNECTICUT LAW REVIEW 839 (2024)

Felony Disenfranchisement and Voting Rights Restoration in the States, 22 NEVADA LAW JOURNAL 967 (2022) (Symposium - “Enhancing Civil and Constitutional Rights Through State and Local Action”).

Inverted Judicial Guardianship, 17 STANFORD JOURNAL OF CIVIL RIGHTS AND CIVIL LIBERTIES 53 (2021).

The WTO and Development Policy Space in India, 45 YALE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (2020).

Judicial Supremacy in Comparative Constitutional Law, 92 TULANE LAW REVIEW (2017).

India’s Participatory Model: The Right to Information in Election Law, 48 GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL LAW REVIEW 377 (2016).

Globalization, Rights and Judicial Review in the Supreme Court of India, 25 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 643 (2016) (invited article, Symposium on Asian Courts and Constitutional Politics in the 21st Century, University of Washington).

The Rise of Judicial Governance in the Supreme Court of India, 33 BOSTON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 169 (2015).

Elite Institutionalism and Judicial Assertiveness in the Supreme Court of India, 28 TEMPLE INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW JOURNAL  361 (2014) (AALS Symposium: Constitutional Conflict and Development: Perspectives from South Asia and Africa).

State Constitutions and the Basic Structure Doctrine, 45 COLUMBIA HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW 441 (2014)

High Courts and Election Law Reform in the US and India, 32 BOSTON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL  267 (2014)

The Origins of Due Process in India: The Role of Borrowing in Personal Liberty and Preventive Detention Cases, 28 BERKELEY JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 216 (2010).

Two Paths to Judicial Power: The Basic Structure Doctrine and Public Interest Litigation in Comparative Perspective, 12 SAN DIEGO INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 175 (2010).


Constitutional Erosion and the Challenge to Secular Democracy in India, in Mark Graber, Sanford Levinson, and Mark Tushnet, eds., CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACIES IN CRISIS? (forthcoming, Oxford. Univ. Press, 2018).

Public Interest Litigation and the Transformation of the Supreme Court of India, in Kapiszewski, Silverstein, Kagan, eds., CONSEQUENTIAL COURTS: NEW JUDICIAL ROLES IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE  (Cambridge University Press, 2013)

Priests in the Temple of Justice: The Indian Legal Complex and the Basic Structure Doctrine, in Halliday, Karpik, Feeley, eds.,  FATES OF POLITICAL LIBERALISM IN THE BRITISH POST-COLONY: THE POLITICS OF THE LEGAL COMPLEX   (Cambridge University Press, 2012).

State Security and Elite Capture: The Implementation of Anti-Terrorist Legislation in India (with A. Naseemullah), 9 Journal of Human Rights 262 (2010).

The 2000 Presidential Election Controversy, in Persily, Citrin, Egan, eds., PUBLIC OPINION AND CONSTITUTIONAL CONTROVERSY (Oxford University Press, 2008) (with Matthew Wright).

Other Publications

A Challenge to Judicial Independence in India: The National Judicial Appointments Commission, JURIST (University of Pittsburgh School of Law), (July 23, 2015).