Clayton Masterman

man sitting on courtroom bench, smiling.

Associate Professor of Law

Research Focus:  Health Law, Tort Law, Administrative Law, Legislation and Statutory Interpretation, Civil Procedure, and Law & Economics

Links: Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

625 O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100

Biography Publications


Buyer, Beware of Addiction (with Erin E. Meyers), 46 CARDOZO LAW REVIEW (forthcoming Spring 2025).

Public Nuisance Remedies, 59 UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND LAW REVIEW (forthcoming Spring 2025).

Opioid Settlements and Profitable Public Nuisances, 40 TOURO LAW REVIEW (forthcoming 2024) (invited contribution).

COVID-19 Tort Reform, 34(1) HEALTH MATRIX: JOURNAL OF LAW-MEDICINE 133 (2024).

Publication Selection Biases in Stated Preference Estimates of the Value of a Statistical Life (with W. Kip Viscusi) 11 JOURNAL OF BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS 357 (2020)

The Specific Consumer Expectations Test for Product Defects (with W. Kip Viscusi) 95 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 183 (2020)

The Income Elasticity of Global Values of a Statistical Life: Stated Preference Evidence (with W. Kip Viscusi) 9 JOURNAL OF BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS 407 (2018)

Introduction: The Effects of Selection Method on Public Officials, 70 VANDERBILT LAW REVIEW 1705 (2017)

Income Elasticities and Global Values of a Statistical Life (with W. Kip Viscusi) 8 JOURNAL OF BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS 226 (2017)

Anchoring Biases in International Estimates of the Value of a Statistical Life (with W. Kip Viscusi) 54 JOURNAL OF RISK & UNCERTAINTY 103 (2017)

The Customer Is Not Always Right: Balancing Worker and Customer Welfare in Antitrust Law, 69 VANDERBILT LAW REVIEW 1387 (2016)