Dr. Theophilus Edwin Coleman

photo of man standing in front of a wooden all, wearing glasses and suit, smiling.

Visiting Assistant Professor

Research Focus: Contract Law, International Commercial Law, Conflict of Laws, Commercial Law, Employment and Labor Law, Civil Procedure, Comparative Law, Business Law, African Jurisprudence

Links:  Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

607 O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100

Biography Publications


LABOUR LAW IN GHANA (with Letlhokwa George Mpedi) (LexisNexis, 1st ed., 2022).


International Shoe in Sub-Saharan Africa: Navigating the Complexities of Ascertaining Jurisdiction in Contemporary Cross-Border Employment Cases, 40 CONNECTICUT JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (forthcoming 2024).

Re-Assessing the African Principles on the Law Applicable to International Commercial Contracts through the Prism of African Traditional Values, JOURNAL OF SOUTH AFRICAN LAW (TSAR) 75 (2024).

Accommodating New Modes of Work in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Ghana: Some Comparative Lessons from the United Kingdom and South Africa (with Letlhokwa George Mpedi), 56 COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN AFRICA 1 (2023).

Collective Bargaining and Representation in the Gig Economy in South Africa: A Call for a Purposive Approach (with Letlhokwa George Mpedi), 48 JOURNAL OF JURIDICAL SCIENCE 1 (2023).

A Human Rights Critique of Ghana’s Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill of 2021 (with Ernest Yaw Ako & Joshua G. Kyeremateng, 23 AFRICAN HUMAN RIGHTS LAW JOURNAL 96 (2023).

The Law Applicable to Tortious Liability: A Comparative Analysis of Article 4 of the Rome II Regulation and the Private International Law in Ghana (with Michael K. Quartey), 10(1) JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW IN AFRICA 1 (2023).

A Rights-Based Critique of the Intolerance Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex and Asexual LGBTQIA+ People in Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Tunisia and Uganda (with Alice A. Nkom, Kwadawo Appiagyei-Atua, Portia C. Allen, Tegan Snyman, Kevin D. Besong & Joel Mordi), AFRICAN HUMAN RIGHTS YEARBOOK, vol. 7 (2023).

Towards the Practical Realisation of the Concept of Equal Pay for Equal Work in Ghana: Some Comparative Lessons from South Africa and the United Kingdom (with Letlhokwa George Mpedi), 44 INDUSTRIAL LAW JOURNAL 29 (2023).

Contractual Freedom and Autonomy under the CISG and UNIDROIT Principles as Legislative and Judicial Guidance in Commonwealth Africa, 33 SOUTH AFRICA MERCANTILE LAW JOURNAL 319 (2021).

Reflecting on the Role and Impact of the Constitutional Value of Ubuntu on the Concept of Contractual Freedom and Autonomy in South Africa, 24 POTCHEFSTROOM ELECTRONIC LAW JOURNAL 1 (2021).


Ghana’s Proposed Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill and its Implication on Academic Freedom in Institutions of Higher Learning, in The Business of Higher Education – Integrating Academic Freedom, PEDAGOGICAL APPROACHES AND CONSTITUTIONALISM (M. Van Eck & W. Domingo, eds., University of Johannesburg Press, South Africa, 2024).

Human Rights – Ethical Institutions/ Religious Bodies Between Foundation and Watering Down Legally Testified Rights (with Letlhokwa George Mpedi), in HUMAN RIGHTS IN A CHANGING WORLD – REFLECTIONS ON FUNDAMENTAL CHALLENGES (Mehmet Okyayuz, Mao Junxian, Letlhokwa George Mpedi & Peter Hermann, eds., Springer, 2023).

Pandemic-Exacerbated Youth Unemployment in Africa: Divergent Trends Between Developing and Developed Worlds (with Letlhokwa George Mpedi), in SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ACTION: EXAMINING GLOBAL NORTH-SOUTH DIVERGENCEs, 160 (Nilanjan Ghosh & Soumya Bhowmick, eds., Global Policy-Wiley, 2022).

Revisiting the Freedom of Trade, Occupation, and Movement of Refugees in South Africa (with Letlhokwa George Mpedi), in REVISITING THE 1951 REFUGEE CONVENTION: EXPLORING GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES 67 (Anasua Basu Ray Chaudhury, ed., Global Policy-Wiley, 2022).

Reflecting on the Applicability and Impact of the Fourth Republican Constitution of Ghana on the Concept of Contractual Freedom and Autonomy, in LIBER DISCIPULORUM FÜR MICHAEL MARTINEK (von Michael Anton, ed., Juris Publishing GMBH, Germany, 2021).

Social Rights as Human Rights in Africa: Some General Thoughts from an Inclusive Social Citizenship Perspective (with Letlhokwa George Mpedi), in JOYS OF HUMAN RIGHTS: ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF PROFESSOR JOY NGOZI EZEILO (Obiajulu Nnamuchi & Ndubuisi Nwafor, eds., Malthouse Law Books, Nigeria, 2021).