Adelman, Elizabeth

woman wearing green top and glasses, smiling.

SUNY Distinguished Librarian, Vice Dean for Legal Information Services; Director of the Charles B. Sears Law Library; Teaching Faculty

Research Focus: Legal Research, Status of Academic Law Libraries and Law Librarians

Links: Curriculum Vitae


205 O'Brian Hall, North Campus

Biography Publications



NEW YORK LEGAL RESEARCH (with Courtney L. Selby, Brian T. Detweiler, and Kathleen Darvil), 4th ed., Carolina Academic Press (2020)

NEW YORK LEGAL RESEARCH (with Theodora Belniak, Courtney L. Selby, Brian T. Detweiler), 3d ed., Carolina Academic Press (2015)

NEW YORK LEGAL RESEARCH (with Theodora Belniak, Courtney L. Selby, Brian T. Detweiler), 2d ed., Carolina Academic Press (2012)

NEW YORK LEGAL RESEARCH (with Suzanne E. Rowe), Carolina Academic Press (2008)

GEORGIA LEGAL RESEARCH (with Nancy P. Johnson and Nancy J. Adams), Carolina Academic Press (2007)

Journal Articles

Academic Law Library Director Status Since the Great Recession: Strengthened, Maintained, or Degraded? (with Karen Shephard, Richard Patti, and Robert M. Adelman) 112 LAW LIBRARY JOURNAL 117 (2020)

CALI Lessons in Legal Research Courses: Alternatives to Reading About Research, 15 PERSPECTIVES: TEACHING LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING 25 (Fall 2006)

Researching Georgia Law (with Nancy P. Johnson and Nancy J. Adams), 22 GEORGIA STATE LAW REVIEW 381 (2006)

The Librarian’s Taboo: Negotiating Salaries, 9 AALL SPECTRUM 18 (September/October 2004)

Video Surveillance in Nursing Homes, 12 ALABAMA LAW JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 821 (2002)

Elizabeth G. Adelman, Data Wars: How Superseding Forsham v. Harris Impacts the Federal Grant Award Process, 21 JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGES  105 (2001)


Centralization of the Academic Law Library: Is It Right For Your Institution?, in ACADEMIC LAW LIBRARIES WITHIN THE CHANGING LANDSCAPE OF LEGAL EDUCATION: A PRIMER FOR DEANS AND PROVOSTS, at 189 (Michelle M. Wu et al, eds., 2020)

The Three Percent: Common Issues in Nonautonomous Law School Libraries, in ACADEMIC LAW LIBRARY DIRECTOR PERSPECTIVES: CASE STUDIES AND INSIGHTS, at 53 (Michelle M. Wu ed., 2015)


NYCRR Digital Archive (witj Andrew Kloc, Jeannine Lee, Betsy Vipperman, and David Voisinet) (

Electronic Publications

Legal Ethics Research, Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) Lesson (with Kristina L. Niedringhaus) April 2006. Lesson updated July 2012.

Georgia Legal Research – Primary Source Material, Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) Lesson (with Nancy P. Johnson, Nancy J. Adams, and Terrance K. Manion) April 2005.

Mastering Looseleaf Publications, Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) Lesson (with Kristina L. Niedringhaus) April 2004.    This lesson was retired in 2014 due to outdated subject matter.    

Forms of Federal Statutory Publication, Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) Lesson (with Kristina L. Niedringhaus) April 2003.


What Don’t You Know and How Will You Learn It?, JOTWELL (February 19, 2018) reviewing Susan Nevelow Mart, THE ALGORITHM AS A HUMAN ARTIFACT: IMPLICATIONS FOR LEGAL [RE]SEARCH

Toward a Universal Understanding of the Value of Legal Research Education, JOTWELL (February 7, 2017) reviewing Caroline Osborne, THE STATE OF LEGAL RESEARCH EDUCATION: A SURVEY OF FIRST-YEAR LEGAL RESEARCH PROGRAMS, OR WHY JOHNNY AND JANE CANNOT RESEARCH

The Open Access Advantage in Legal Education’s Age of Assessment, JOTWELL (January 27, 2015) reviewing James M. Donovan, Carol A. Watson & Caroline Osborne, THE OPEN ACCESS ADVANTAGE FOR AMERICAN LAW REVIEWS (October 7, 2014)