Associate Professor;
Director of the Civil Rights and Transparency Clinic
Areas of Interest: Administrative Law; Clinical Legal Education; Civil Procedure; Civil Liberties; Civil Rights; Constitutional Law; Disability Rights; Fair Housing; Federal Courts; Legislation; Property; Race and The Law
Links: SSRN, Curriculum Vitae
524 O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100
Agencies “Shall Cooperate”: A Blueprint for Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, 57 UIC LAW REVIEW 469 (2024).
New York’s Unregulated Litigation Lending Industry (with Maura Graham), 95 NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 8 (2024).
Appraisal Discrimination: Five Lessons for Litigators, 76 SMU LAW REVIEW 205 (2023).
Realizing the Promise of the Fair Housing Act, Equal Justice Works Blog (2023).
Segregation Autopilot: How the Government Perpetuates Segregation and How to Stop It, 107 IOWA LAW REVIEW 1963 (2022).
"Just a Planning Rule”: Enforcing the Duty to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (lead author), with Jason Knight, Russell Weaver, and Christopher Holtkamp, 31 JOURNAL OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LAW (2022).
Persistent Impediments and the Geography of “Affirmatively Furthering” Fair Housing: The Case of Erie County, NY, with Jason Knight (lead author), Christopher Holtkamp, and Russell Weaver, MIDDLE STATES GEOGRAPHER (2023).
On Fragmentation, Boundary Problems, and Movement Toward a Regional Fair Housing Regime in Erie County, NY, with Russell Weaver (lead author), Christopher Holtkamp, and Jason Knight, MIDDLE STATES GEOGRAPHER (2023).
Regionalization and Access to Fair Housing in Erie County, NY, with Christopher Holtkamp (lead author), Jason Knight, and Russell Weaver, MIDDLE STATES GEOGRAPHER (2023).
Don’t Blame Stokely Carmichael: The Need for Federal Fair Housing Leadership, JOURNAL OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LAW 555–66 (2021).
Judicial Secrecy: How To Fix the Over-sealing of Federal Court Records, with Jonathan Manes and Alex Abdo) JUST SECURITY (2021).
Fair Housing’s Third Act: American Tragedy or Triumph? 39 YALE LAW & POLICY REVIEW 1, 1-81 (2021).
Legitimate Absenteeism: The Unconstitutionality of the Caucus Attendance Requirement, 95 MINNESOTA LAW REVIEW 1003 (2011).