James A. Wooten



Research Focus: Employee Benefit Plans, Legal History, Legislation, Retirement Policy, Taxation
 Curriculum Vitae, SSRN

Contact Information

713 O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100

Biography Publications


THE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT INCOME SECURITY ACT OF 1974: A POLITICAL HISTORY (University of California Press/Milbank Memorial Fund/Employee Benefit Research Institute: 2004)

Journal Articles

The Venue Shuffle: Forum Selection Clauses & ERISA (with Christine P. Bartholomew), 66 UCLA LAW REVIEW 862, 862-910 (April 2019)

A Legislative and Political History of ERISA Preemption, Part 4: The ‘Deemer’ Clause, JOURNAL OF PENSION BENEFITS vol. 22: 3 (Autumn 2014)

A Reflection on ERISA Claims Administration and the Exhaustion Requirement, DREXEL LAW REVIEW vol. 6: 573 (2014)

A Legislative and Political History of ERISA Preemption, Part 3, JOURNAL OF PENSION BENEFITS vol. 15: 15 (2008)

A Legislative and Political History of ERISA Preemption, Part 2, JOURNAL OF PENSION BENEFITS vol. 14: 5 (2007)

A Legislative and Political History of ERISA Preemption, Part 1, JOURNAL OF PENSION BENEFITS vol. 14: 31 (2006)

The Most Glorious Story of Failure in the Business: The Studebaker-Packard Corporation and the Origins of ERISA, BUFFALO LAW REVIEW  vol. 49: 683 (2001)

Law School Rights: The Establishment of New York Law School, 1891-1897, NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL LAW REVIEW vol. 36: 337 (1991)

Book Chapters

The "Original Intent" of the Federal Tax Treatment of Private Pension Plans (reprinted from 85 Tax Notes 1305) in NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ANNUAL INSTITUTE ON FEDERAL TAXATION (2000) vol. 58th p. Supp., ch. 7: 7-1–7-36

Reports, Papers & Other Scholarship

Arguments about Asymmetry of Risks and Rewards and Deferred Wages in Pension Plans. Report for the Ontario Expert Commission on Pensions, Buffalo Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2008-14 (January  2008)