David A. Westbrook


Louis A. Del Cotto Professor; Co-Director, New York City Program in Business and Law
Research Focus:
Globalization and the Contemporary, Corporations and Capital Markets, Environmental Law and Technology, Political Economy and Social Theory

Links: Curriculum Vitae, SSRN, Personal Website

Contact Information

521 O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100

Biography Publications

David A. Westbrook thinks and writes about the social and intellectual consequences of contemporary political economy. His work influences numerous disciplines, including law, economics, finance, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies and design. He has spoken on six continents to academics, business and financial leaders, members of the security community, civil institutions and governments, often with the sponsorship of the U.S. State Department.

Westbrook has published numerous articles and book chapters, and books, most recently Getting Through Security: Counterterrorism, Bureaucracy, and a Sense of the Modern, Out of Crisis: Rethinking Our Financial Markets and Deploying Ourselves: Islamist Violence and the Responsible Projection of U.S. Force. His nature photography has appeared in The Flume, the official paper of Park County, Colorado.

Westbrook teaches on business and international topics, including basic courses in corporations and international law.



Although Westbrook focuses on the social aspect of law, his work is not standard “law and sociology,” or law and history, literary theory, or anthropology. Instead of studying “law on the books” in comparison with “law in action,” or using other disciplines to make legal arguments, Westbrook uses law framed as a political and social thing, deeply inside its culture, to tell us something about ourselves.
-- Mae Kuykendall, Professor of Law, Michigan State University
Being a Law Professor, THE CONGLOMERATE, April 19, 2010