Professor; Director of J.S.D. Program
Research Focus: Anthropology of Law, Comparative Law, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Social and Political Theory
Links: Curriculum Vitae, SSRN
616 O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100
AFTER SECULAR LAW (with Winnifred Fallers Sullivan and Robert A. Yelle, eds) (Stanford University Press, 2011)
Appraising 9/11: Sacred Value and Heritage in Neoliberal Times, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW vol. 18 (2016)
From the 'Stranger King' to the 'Stranger Constitution': Domesticating Sovereignty in Kenya, CONSTELLATIONS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL AND DEMOCRATIC THEORY (2012) vol. 19 p. 248
The Value of Valor: Money, Medals and Military Labor, NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW (2012) vol. 88 p. 101
Pirate Trials, the International Criminal Court and Mob Justice: Reflections on Postcolonial Sovereignty in Kenya, HUMANITY: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS, HUMANITARIANISM AND DEVELOPMENT (University of Pennsylvania: 2011) vol. 1 p. 51-74
Outsourcing Sacrifice: The Labor of Private Military Contractors, YALE JOURNAL OF LAW & THE HUMANITIES (2009) vol. 21 p. 101
Introduction (with Winnifred Fallers Sullivan and Robert A. Yelle) in AFTER SECULAR LAW (with Winnifred Fallers Sullivan and Robert A. Yelle, eds) (Stanford University Press, 2011) (1-19)
Juicios piratas, CIJ, y justicia de turbas: formas postcoloniales de justicia en Kenia, Inseguridad, DEMOCRACIA Y EL DERECHO (2011) p. 87-119
Sacred property: searching for value in the rubble of 9/11, AFTER SECULAR LAW (Stanford University Press: 2011) p. 322
The Unsacrificeable Subject?, WHO DESERVES TO DIE: CONSTRUCTING THE EXECUTABLE SUBJECT (Austin Sarat and Karl Shoemaker, ed.) (University of Massachusetts Press: 2011)
Propiedad sagrada: buscando valor en los escombros del 11-S, DERECHO Y PROPIEDAD (Buenos Aires: 2009) p. 51
Sacrifice and Sovereignty, STATES OF VIOLENCE: WAR, CAPITAL PUNISHMENT, AND LETTING DIE (Cambridge University Press: 2009) p. 83-126
Appraising 9/11: Just Compensation Dilemmas from the United Airlines Flight 93 Crash Site, SUNY Buffalo Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2013-026 (2013)
Wartime or Peacetime at the Flight 93 Crash Site, BALKINIZATION (2013)
The Political Theology of Freedom and Unfreedom (2011), Social Science Research Council blog, The Immanent Frame, (reviewing Paul Kahn, Political Theology: Four New Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty)
Sacred Property: Searching for Value in the 9/11 Rubble, at Religion & Culture Web Forum, Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of Religion, University of Chicago, (2009)
Outsourcing Sacrifice, "Final Word" essay for UB TODAY MAGAZINE, Spring/Summer, 48 (2008)
The Sovereign's Gift: Inside U.S. Immigration Camps (Ph.D. University of Chicago, Anthropology, Ph.D. Committee: J.L. Comaroff, E. Povinelli, M.D. Sahlins: 2007)
Participatory Urban Planning and Design in Slums, background paper prepared for UN Millennium Project Task Force on Improving the Lives of Slum Dwellers, co-authors: A. Rubbo, N. Gurran, and M. Hall (2003)
Legal Authority of City to Ban Audible Car Alarms in "Alarmingly Useless: the Case for Banning Car Alarms in New York City," co-authors A. Friedman and A. Naparstek on behalf of Transportation Alternatives (2003)
Review of States' Procedures and Practices Relating to Detention of Asylum Seekers, with Jaya Ramji and other colleagues at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP on behalf of Human Rights First (2002)
Authority of New York City to Impose Carpool Rule and the Tolls on East River Bridges, co-author and supervising attorney, prepared for Transportation Alternatives (2002)
Review of Rebecca Solnit, A PARADISE BUILT IN HELL: THE EXTRAORDINARY COMMUNITIES THAT ARISE IN DISASTER (2009), Solidarity in the face of disaster, THE BROKER, 17:30, (2009)
The Cultural Lives of Capital Punishment, POLAR: POLITICAL AND LEGAL ANTHROPOLOGY REVIEW (2008) vol. 31 p. 349-350