Errol Meidinger

Man smiling, wearing glasses.

SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus; Margaret W. Wong Professor, 2013-2020

Links: Curriculum Vitae

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Biography Publications


TRANSNATIONAL BUSINESS GOVERNANCE INTERACTIONS: ADVANCING MARGINALIZED ACTORSAND ENHANCING REGULATORY QUALITY (Stepan Wood, Rebecca Schmidt, Errol Meidinger, Burkard Eberlein & Kenneth Abbott, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2019)

THE BIG THAW: POLICY, GOVERNANCE AND CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE CIRCUMPOLAR NORTH (Ezra B.W. Zubrow, Errol Meidinger & Kim Diana Connolly, eds., SUNY Press 2019)


SOCIAL AND POLITICAL DIMENSIONS OF FOREST CERTIFICATION (with Christopher Elliott and Gerhard Oesten, ed.) (Forstbuch Verlag: 2003)

APPLIED TIME SERIES ANALYSIS FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES (Richard McCleary and Richard A. Hay, with collaboration of David McDowall and Errol Meidinger, ed.) (Sage Publications: 1980)

INTERRUPTED TIME SERIES ANALYSIS (with David McDowall, Richard McCleary, and Richard A. Hay, ed.) (Sage Publications: 1980)

IN THE OPINION OF THE BAR: A NATIONAL SURVEY OF BAR POLLING PRACTICES (with James Guterman, ed.) (American Judicature Society: 1977)

Journal Articles

On Preparing the Soil for Rain, BUFFALO LAW REVIEW, 72(1): 101-126 (2024)

Forward: Tempering Power, BUFFALO LAW REVIEW, 67(3): 519-526 (2019)

The Interactive Dynamics of Transnational Business Governance: A Challenge for Transnational Legal Theory, (with Stepan Wood, Kenneth W. Abbott, Julia Black, and Burkard Eberlein). TRANSNATIONAL LEGAL THEORY 6(2):333-369

Transnational Business Governance Interactions: Conceptualization and Framework for Analysis, REGULATION & GOVERNANCE (with K.. Abbott, J. Black, B. Eberlein, and S. Wood) vol. 8(1): 1-21 (2014)

Forest Certification and Democracy, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH vol. 130 p. 407 (2011)

Competitive Supragovernmental Regulation: How Could It Be Democratic, CHICAGO JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (University of Chicago Law School) vol. 8(2) p. 513-534 (2008)

Beyond Westphalia: Competitive Legalization in Emerging Transnational Regulatory Systems, LAW AND LEGALIZATION IN TRANSNATIONAL RELATIONS (2006)

Forest Certification in Developing and Transitioning Countries: Part of a Sustainable Future?, ENVIRONMENT (with Benjamin Cashore, Fred Gale, & Deanna Newsom) (9  2006) vol. 48

The Administrative Law of Global Private-Public Regulation: the Case of Forestry, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (2006) vol. 17

Using Forest Certification to Strengthen Rural Communities: Cases from Northwest Russia, ENDANGERED SPECIES AND FORESTS: LEGAL PERSPECTIVES (2006)

The New Environmental Law: Forest Certification, BUFFALO ENVIRONMENTAL LAW JOURNAL, vol. 10 p. 211 (2003)

Private Environmental Certification Systems and U.S. Environmental Law: Closer than You May Think, ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REPORTER NEWS & ANALYSIS (2001) vol. 31

Private Environmental Standard Setting, Human Rights, and Human Communities, BUFFALO ENVIRONMENTAL LAW JOURNAL (1999) vol. 7

Reconstituting Haudenosaunee Law, Sovereignty, and Governance, BUFFALO LAW REVIEW (1998) vol. 46

Regulatory Culture: A Theoretical Outline, LAW AND POLICY (1987) vol. 9(4)

On Explaining the Development of "Emissions Trading" in U.S. Air Pollution Regulation, LAW AND POLICY (1985) vol. 7(4)

Privatizing Regulatory Enforcement: A Preliminary Assessment of Citizen Suits Under Federal Environmental Laws, BUFFALO LAW REVIEW (1985) vol. 34

Social Impact Assessment as Evaluation Research: Claimants and Claims, EVALUATION REVIEW (1980) vol. 4

The "Public Uses" of Eminent Domain History and Policy, ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (1980) vol. 11

Bar Polls: What They Measure, What They Miss, JUDICATURE (1977) vol. 60

Book Chapters

Private Environmental Regulation: Evolution, Structure, and Challenges, in RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, CHELTENHAM, UK AND NORTHAMPTON, MA (D. Williamson, G. Lynch-Wood, and A. Prochorskaite, eds.) (Edward Elgar, 2024)

Governance Interactions in Sustainable Supply Chain Management, in Stepan Wood, Rebecca Schmidt, Errol Meidinger, Burkard Eberlein, and Kenneth Abbot, eds., TRANSNATIONAL BUSINESS GOVERNANCE INTERACTIONS: ADVANCING MARGINALIZED ACTORS AND ENHANCING REGULATORY QUALITY, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar (pages 52-76) (2019)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Environmental Regulation, in Benedict Kingsbury, et al, MEGAREGULATION CONTESTED: GLOBAL ECONOMIC ORDERING AFTER TPP, Oxford University Press (pages 175-195) (2019)

Environmental Principles in U.S. and Canadian Law, (with Daniel A. Spitzer and Charles W. Malcomb), in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar (pages 405-423) (2018)

Importing Democracy: Promoting Participatory Decision Making in Russian Forest Communities (with Maria Tysiachniouk) in ENVIRONMENTAL DEMOCRACY: FACING UNCERTAINTY (C. Claeys & M. Jacqué, editors) (Peter Lang Publishers, London and Brussels, 2011)

Protect, Respect, Remedy and Participate: ‘New Governance’ Lessons for the Ruggie Framework, THE UN GUIDING PRINCIPLES ON BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS: FOUNDATIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION (with Tara J. Melish) (Radu Mares, ed.) (Martinus Nijhoff: 2011) p. 303

Private Import Safety Regulation and Transnational New Governance, IMPORT SAFETY: REGULATORY GOVERNANCE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (University of Pennsylvania Press: 2009)

Multi-Interest Self-Governance through Global Product Certification Chains, RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS: SELF-GOVERNANCE AND LAW IN TRANSNATIONAL ECONOMIC TRANSACTIONS (Hart: 2008)

Property Law for Development Policy and Institutional Theory: Problems of Structure, Choice, and Change, THE MYSTERY OF CAPITAL AND THE NEW PHILOSOPHY OF SOCIAL REALITY (Open Court: 2008)

Beyond Westphalia: Emerging Transnational Regulatory Systems, LAW AND LEGALIZATION IN TRANSNATIONAL RELATIONS (Routledge: 2007) p. 121-143

Law and Constitutionalism in the Mirror of Non- Governmental Standards, TRANSNATIONAL GOVERNANCE AND CONSTITUTIONALISM (Christian Joerges, Inger-Johanne Sand and Gunther Teubner, ed.) (Hart Pub.: 2004) p. 189

Forest Certification as a Global Civil Society Regulatory Institution, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL DIMENSIONS OF FOREST CERTIFICATION (Errol E. Meidinger and Gerhard Oesten, ed.) (2003)

Forest Certification as Environmental Law Making by Global Civil Society, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL DIMENSIONS OF FOREST CERTIFICATION (Errol E. Meidinger and Gerhard Oesten, ed.) (2003)

The Fundamentals of Forest Certification, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL DIMENSIONS OF FOREST CERTIFICATION (Errol E. Meidinger and Gerhard Oesten, ed.) (2003)

Laws and Institutions in Cross-Boundary Stewardship, STEWARDSHIP ACROSS BOUNDARIES (R.L. Knight and P.B. Landres, ed.) (1998)

Organizational and Legal Challenges for Ecosystem Management, CREATING A FORESTRY FOR THE 21ST CENTURY: THE SCIENCE OF ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT (Kathryn A. Kohm and Jerry F. Franklin, ed.) (Island Press: 1997)

The Development of "Emissions Trading" in U.S. Air Pollution Regulation, MAKING REGULATORY POLICY (Keith Hawkins and John Thomas, ed.) (1989)

Forging New Solutions out of Conflicting Values and Tenuous Institutions, ENVIRONMENTAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN THE GREAT LAKES REGION: A CRITICAL APPRAISAL (Lynne S. Bankert and R. Warren Flint, ed.) (1988)

The Politics of "Market Mechanisms" in U.S. Air Pollution Policy, DISTRIBUTIONAL CONFLICTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL-RESOURCE POLICY (Allan Schnaiberg, Nicholas Watts, Klaus Zimmerman, ed.) (Gower: 1986)