Professor; Vice Dean for International and Graduate Programs; Director of the Cross-Border Legal Studies Center
Research Focus: International Economic Law, International Trade Law, International Dispute Settlement, Free Trade Agreements, World Trade Organization Law
Links: Curriculum Vitae
719 O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100
Faculty Assistant: Deborah L. Nasisi
A POST-WTO INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ORDER: UTOPIAN, DYSTOPIAN AND OTHER SCENARIOS (Meredith Kolsky Lewis, Junji Nakagawa, Rostam J. Neuwirth, Colin B. Picker & Peter Tobias Stoll, eds., Springer Nature 2020)
Trade Agreements at the Crossroads (with Susy Frankel, eds.) (Routledge: 2014)
International Economic Law and National Autonomy (with Susy Frankel, eds.) (Cambridge University Press: 2010)
International Business Law (with B. Mercurio, L. Trakman, and B. Zeller, eds.) (Oxford University Press: 2009)
Plurilateralism and Regional Trade Agreements, 25 JOURNAL OF WORLD INVESTMENT AND TRADE (forthcoming 2024).
International Trade Agreements: Laboratories of Innovation or Propellers of Fragmentation? 26 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW (2023).
Trade Regionalism: Laboratories of Innovation or Propellers of Fragmentation? 26 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW 110 (2023)
The Origins of Plurilateralism in International Trade Law, 20(5) JOURNAL OF WORLD INVESTMENT & TRADE 633, 633-53 (2019)
The United States’ Path to Concluding the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Will TPA + TAA = TPP? in Bungenberg et al. (eds.), EUROPEAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW 2016 vol. 7 (Spring 2016)
Human Rights Provisions in Free Trade Agreements: Do the Ends Justify the Means? Loyola University CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL LAW REVIEW (2015)
Food Miles: Environmental Protection or Disguised Protectionism? (with Andrew Mitchell) MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW vol. 35: 579 (2014)
The TPP and the RCEP (ASEAN + 6) as Potential Paths Toward Deeper Asian Economic Integration, ASIAN JOURNAL OF WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL HEALTH LAW AND POLICY vol. 8: 351 (2013)
Dissent as Dialectic: Horizontal and Vertical Disagreement in WTO Dispute Settlement, STANFORD JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW vol. 48: 1 (2012)
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: New Paradigm of Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, BOSTON COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW vol. 34: 27-52 (2011)
The Prisoners' Dilemma Posed by Free Trade Agreements: Can Open Access Provisions Provide an Escape, CHICAGO JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW vol. 11(2): 631-661 (2010)
Expanding the P-4 Trade Agreement into a Broader Trans-Pacific Partnership: Implications, Risks and Opportunities, ASIAN JOURNAL OF WTO AND INTERNATIONAL HEALTH LAW AND POLICY vol. 4: 401 (2009)
The EU's Protectionism Problem, GEORGETOWN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS vol. 10: 23 (2009)
WTO Winners and Losers: The Trade and Development Disconnect, GEORGETOWN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW vol. 39: 165 (2007)
The Lack of Dissent in WTO Dispute Settlement, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW vol. 9: 895 (2006)
Trade Special Issue: Foreward, VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON LAW REVIEW vol. 37: 339 (2006)
Comments on Luke Nottage's Paper, VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON LAW REVIEW vol. 36: 859 (2005)
Good News for New Zealand Wineries? The Potential Impact of Granholm v Heald, NEW ZEALAND BUSINESS LAW QUARTERLY vol. 11: 426 (2005)
The Free Trade Agreement Paradox, NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITIES LAW REVIEW vol. 21: 554 (2005)
Note, Justice William Johnson and the History of Supreme Court Dissent, GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL vol. 83: 2069 (1995)
Import and Export Controls, in INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS (Petra Butler, ed., Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2025).
Multilateral Rules and the Legality of Regional Integration, in THE INTERNATIONAL LAW OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION (Julien Chaisse & Christoph Herrmann, eds., Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2025).
New Zealand (with Tracey Epps & Daniel Kalderimis), in THE ELGAR ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW (Thomas Cottier & Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer, eds., Edward Elgar, 2d ed., forthcoming 2024).
Winning Strategy or Own Goal? Reflections on the United States Exiting the Trans-Pacific Partnership, in RETHINKING, REPACKAGING AND RESCUING WORLD TRADE LAW IN THE POST-PANDEMIC ERA 251 (Amrita Bahri, Daria Boklan & Weihuan Zhou, eds., Hart Publishing, 2021).
Dissents, in RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON WTO DISPUTE SETTLEMENT (Simon Lester & Bryan Mercurio, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing forthcoming, 2021)
Import and Export Controls, in INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS (Petra Butler, ed., Oxford University Press forthcoming, 2021)
Winning Strategy or Own Goal? Reflections on the United States Exiting the Trans-Pacific Partnership, in REPACKAGING AND RESCUING WORLD TRADE LAW IN THE POST-PANDEMIC ERA RETHINKING (Amrita Bahri, Daria Boklan & Weihuan Zhou, eds., Hart Publishing, 2021)
The TPP as a Potential New Paradigm for Trade Agreements: Implications and Opportunities, in EL TLCAN FRENTE A NUEVAS NEGOCIACIONES COMERCIALES REGIONALES: EL TPP Y EL TTIP (María Celia Toro Hernández, ed., 2020) (translated into Spanish)
The Embedded Liberalism Compromise in the Making of the GATT and Uruguay Round Agreements, in THE FUTURE OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION: THE EMBEDDED LIBERALISM COMPROMISE REVISITED 12, 12-30 (Gillian Moon & Lisa Toohey, eds., Cambridge University Press 2018)
Mega-FTAs and Plurilateral Trade Agreements: Implications for the Asia-Pacific, in THE TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP: A PARADIGM SHIFT IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE REGULATION? 419, 419-434 (Julien Chaisse, Henry Gao & Chang-fa Lo, eds., Springer 2017)
When Popular Decisions Rest on Shaky Foundations: Implications of Selected WTO Appellate Body Jurisprudence in INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW AND GOVERNANCE: ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF MITSUO MATSUSHITA (Julien Chaisse and Tsai-yu Lin, eds.) (Oxford University Press, 2016)
The TPP as a Potential New Paradigm for Trade Agreements: Implications and Opportunities (translated into Spanish), EL TLCAN FRENTE A NUEVAS NEGOCIACIONES COMERCIALES REGIONALES: EL TPP Y EL TTIP (María Celia Toro Hernández, ed.) (2016)
International Political Economy and the Prisoner’s Dilemma: Compliance with International Law,THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE (Alberta Fabricotti, ed.) (Edward Elgar: 2016)
The ASEAN – Australia / New Zealand FTA in BILATERAL AND REGIONAL TRADE AGREEMENTS: CASE STUDIES (Lorand Bartels, Simon Lester and Bryan Mercurio, editors)(Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition, 2016)
The United States' Path to Concluding the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Will TPA + TAA = TPP?,EUROPEAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW (Bungenberg, M., Herrmann, C., Krajewski, M., Terhechte, J.P., ed.) (Springer: 2016) vol. 7
The Significance of the Trans-Pacific Partnership for the Asia-Pacific in THE TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT: A CRITICAL ASSESSMENT (National Autonomous University of Mexico, 2013)
The Web of Trade Agreements and Alliances, and Impacts on Regulatory Autonomy (with S. Frankel, C. Nixon and J. Yeabsley), RECALIBRATING BEHAVIOUR: SMARTER REGULATION IN A GLOBAL WORLD (S. Frankel and D. Ryder, eds.) (LexisNexis: 2013)
What to Do When Disagreement Strikes? The Complexity of Dispute Settlement under Trade Agreements (with S. Frankel, eds.), TRADE AGREEMENTS AT THE CROSSROADS (with Peter L.H. Van den Bossche) (Routledge: 2013)
Achieving a Free Trade Agreement of the Asia-Pacific: Does the TPP Present the Most Attractive Path?, THE TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP : A QUEST FOR A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY TRADE AGREEMENT (C.L. Lim, D. Elms and P. Low, eds.) (Cambridge University Press: 2012)
Open Accession Provisions in FTAs: A Bridge Between Regionalism and Multilateralism?, MULTILATERALISM AND REGIONALISM IN GLOBAL ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE: TRADE, INVESTMENT AND FINANCE (J. Nakagawa, ed.) (Routledge: 2011)
Trade Agreements and Regulatory Autonomy: The Effect on National Interests (with S. Frankel), LEARNING FROM THE PAST, ADAPTING FOR THE FUTURE: REGULATORY REFORM IN NEW ZEALAND (S. Frankel, ed.) (LexisNexis: 2011)
Safety Standards and Indigenous Products: What Role for Traditional Knowledge?, INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW AND NATIONAL AUTONOMY (with S. Frankel, ed.) (Cambridge University Press: 2010)
The Politics and Indirect Effects of Asymmetrical Bargaining Power in Free Trade Agreements, THE POLITICS OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW (T. Broude, M. Busch, A. Proges, eds.) (Cambridge Uni. Press: 2010)
The Prisoners' Dilemma and FTAs: Applying Game Theory to Trade Liberalization Strategy, CHALLENGES TO MULTILATERAL TRADE THE IMPACT OF BILATERAL, PREFERENTIAL AND REGIONAL AGREEMENTS (L. Boulle, et al., eds.) (Wolters Kluwer: 2008)
Book Review, 112 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 136, 136- 42 (2018) (reviewing A HISTORY OF LAW AND LAWYERS IN THE GATT/ WTO (Gabrielle Marceau, ed., Cambridge University Press 2015)
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2023 APEC STUDY CENTERS CONSORTIUM CONFERENCE: NOVEMBER 15, 2023 (Meredith Kolsky Lewis & Jessie Poon, eds., University of California – Berkeley, 2024).
FINAL REPORT: COMMITTEE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND THE GREEN ECONOMY IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW (Mary Footer, Meredith Kolsky Lewis & Greg Messenger, eds., International Law Association, 2022).
Geopolitical Implications of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), in AFRONOMICS LAW SYMPOSIUM ON THE REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP
Bilateralism, in ELGAR ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW 32, 32-33 (Thomas Cottier & Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2017)
Multilateralism, in ELGAR ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW 33, 33-35 (Thomas Cottier & Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2017)
Plurilateralism, in ELGAR ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW 35, 35-36 (Thomas Cottier & Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2017)
Voluntary Export Restraints (VERs) and Orderly Marketing Arrangements (OMAs), in ELGAR ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW 366, 366-68 (Thomas Cottier & Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2017)