SUNY Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus
Research Focus: Torts, Law and Society, Rights Consciousness, Asian Legal Cultures, Legal Ethnography
Links: Curriculum Vitae
RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON THE CIVIL JUSTICE SYSTEM (Anne Bloom, David M. Engel & Richard Jolly, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming 2025).
THE ASIAN LAW AND SOCIETY READER (Lynette Chua, David M. Engel & Sida Liu, eds., Cambridge University Press 2023)
RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON THE CIVIL JUSTICE SYSTEM (Anne Bloom, David M. Engel & Richard Jolly, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing [in progress]}
INJURY AND INJUSTICE: THE CULTURAL POLITICS OF HARM AND REDRESS (Anne Bloom, David M. Engel & Michael McCann, eds., Cambridge University Press 2018)
INSIDERS, OUTSIDERS, INJURIES, AND LAW IN THE 21ST CENTURY: REVISITING “THE OVEN BIRD’S SONG” (Mary Nell Trautner, ed., Cambridge University Press 2017) (Collection of essays commemorating David M. Engel’s “The Oven Bird’s Song: Insiders, Outsiders, and Personal Injuries in an American Community” (1984))
THE MYTH OF THE LITIGIOUS SOCIETY: WHY WE DON’T SUE (University of Chicago Press: 2016)
TORT, CUSTOM, AND KARMA: GLOBALIZATION AND LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN THAILAND (Stanford University Press, 2010) (Recipient of Jacob Book Prize Honorable Mention)
FAULT LINES: TORT LAW AS CULTURAL PRACTICE (David M. Engel and Michael McCann) (Stanford University Press: 2009)
RIGHTS OF INCLUSION: LAW AND IDENTITY IN THE LIFE STORIES OF AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES (David M. Engel and Frank W. Munger) (University of Chicago Press: 2003) (Recipient of the Jacob Book Prize Honorable Mention as well as the Myers Outstanding Book Award.)
CROSSING BOUNDARIES: TRADITIONS AND TRANSFORMATIONS IN LAW AND SOCIETY RESEARCH (Austin Sarat, Marianne Constable, David M. Engel, Valerie Hans, and Susan Lawrence, eds.) (Northwestern University Press: 1998)
EVERYDAY PRACTICES AND TROUBLE CASES (Austin Sarat, Marianne Constable, David M. Engel, Valerie Hans, and Susan Lawrence, eds.) (Northwestern University Press: 1998)
LAW AND COMMUNITY IN THREE AMERICAN TOWNS (Carol J. Greenhouse, Barbara Yngvesson, and David M. Engel) (Cornell University Press: 1994) (Recipient of the Jacob Book Prize.)
CODE AND CUSTOM IN A THAI PROVINCIAL COURT: THE INTERACTION OF FORMAL AND INFORMAL SYSTEMS OF JUSTICE University of Arizona Press, Association for Asian Studies Monograph Series: 1978)
LAW AND KINGSHIP IN THAILAND DURING THE REIGN OF KING CHULALONGKORN (University of Michigan Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies: 1975)
Judging and Judgment in Contemporary Asia: Editor’s Introduction to Special Issue, 8 ASIAN JOURNAL OF LAW & SOCIETY 199-205 (2020)
States of Uncertainty: The Origins of Law and Community in Three American Towns, POLAR: POLITICALAND LEGAL ANTHROPOLOGY REVIEW (July 2020) (Special issue: Festschrift for Carol Greenhouse)
Legal Consciousness Reconsidered (with Lynette Chua), 15 ANNUAL REVIEW OF LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 335-53 (2019)
Blood Curse and Belonging in Thailand: Law, Buddhism, and Legal Consciousness, 3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIETY 71-83 (2016)
State and Personhood in Southeast Asia: The Promise and Potential for Law and Society Research, 2 ASIAN JOURNAL OF LAW & SOCIETY 211-228 (with Lynette J. Chua) (2015)
Rights as Wrongs: Legality and Sacrality in Thailand, 39 ASIAN STUDIES REVIEW 38-52 (2015)
Perception and Decision at the Threshold of Tort Law: Explaining the Infrequency of Claims, 62 DEPAUL LAW REVIEW 293-334 (2013) SSRN
Uprooted Justice: Transformations of Law and Everyday Life in Northern Thailand, 29 WISCONSIN INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 343-365 (2012) SSRN
Vertical and Horizontal Perspectives on Rights Consciousness, 19 INDIANA JOURNAL OF GLOBAL LEGAL STUDIES 423-455 (2012) SSRN
Review, Truth on Trial in Thailand by David Streckfuss, 19 SOUTH EAST ASIA RESEARCH 648-654 (2011)
Lumping as Default in Tort Cases: The Cultural Interpretation of Injury and Causation, 44 LOYOLA OF LOS ANGELES LAW REVIEW 33-68 (2010)
The Uses of Legal Culture in Contemporary Socio-Legal Studies: A Response to Sally Engle Merry, 5 JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 59-65 (2010)
Landscapes of the Law: Injury, Remedy, and Social Change in Thailand, 43 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 61-94 (2009) SSRN
Narrative, Disability, and Identity (with Frank W. Munger), 15 NARRATIVE 85-94 (2007)
Religiosity and the Invocation of Law in the Conversation with the Dalai Lama [comments], 55 BUFFALO LAW REVIEW 681-684 (2007) SSRN
Globalization and the Decline of Legal Consciousness: Torts, Ghosts, and Karma in Thailand, 30 LAW & SOCIAL INQUIRY 469-514 (2005) SSRN
Reinterpreting the Effect of Rights: Career Narratives and the Americans with Disabilities Act (with Frank W. Munger), 62 OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL 285-333 (2001)
Presidential Address - Making Connections: Law and Society Researchers and Their Subjects, 33 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 3-16 (1999)
Rights, Remembrance, and the Reconciliation of Difference (with Frank W. Munger), 30 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 7-54 (1996)
Origin Myths: Narratives of Authority, Resistance, Disability, and Law, 27 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 785-826 (1993)
Law and Society in Southeast Asia, 28 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW (Jane Collier, David M. Engel, Barbara Yngvesson, eds.) 409 (1994)
Law, Culture, and Children with Disabilities: Educational Rights and the Construction of Difference, 1991 DUKE LAW JOURNAL 166-205 (1991)
Law Students with Disabilities: Removing Barriers in the Law School Community (with Alfred Konefsky), 38 BUFFALO LAW REVIEW 551-589 (1990)
Litigation Across Space and Time: Courts, Conflict, and Social Change, 24 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 333-344 (1990)
Law, Time, and Community, 21 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 605-637 (1987)
The Oven Bird's Song: Insiders, Outsiders, and Personal Injuries in an American Community, 18 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 551-582 (1984)
Mapping Difficult Terrain: 'Legal Culture,' 'Legal Consciousness,' and other Hazards for the Intrepid Explorer (with Barbara Yngvesson), 6 LAW & POLICY 299-307 (1984)
Cases, Conflict, and Accommodation: Patterns of Legal Interaction in an American Community, 8 LAW & SOCIAL INQUIRY 803-874 (1983)
Legal Pluralism in an American Community: Perspectives on a Civil Trial Court, 5 LAW & SOCIAL INQUIRY 425-454 (1980)
Civil Cases and Society: Process and Order in the Civil Justice System (with Eric Steele), 4 LAW & SOCIAL INQUIRY 295-346 (1979)
Ghost Claims: Lumping in the Civil Justice System, in Research Handbook on the Civil Justice System (Anne Bloom, David M. Engel & Richard Jolly, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming 2025).
Relational Law and Transplanted Law in Village Thailand, in Comparative Law in Asia: Essays in Honor of Andrew Harding (Bui Ngoc Son & Munin Pongsapan, eds., Hart Publishing, forthcoming 2025).
Legal Consciousness, ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF LAW AND SOCIETY (Marianna Valverde et al., eds) (Routledge Press: 2021).
Blood Curse and Belonging in Thailand: Law, Buddhism, and Legal Consciousness (Andrew Harding and Munin Pongsapan, eds.) (Cambridge University Press).
Looking Backward, Looking Forward: Past and Future Lives of “The Oven Bird’s Song,” INSIDERS, OUTSIDERS, INJURIES, AND LAW IN THE 21ST CENTURY: REVISITING “THE OVEN BIRD’S SONG” (Mary Nell Trautner, ed.) (Cambridge University Press: 2018).
“Chairs, Stairs, and Automobiles: The Cultural Construction of Injuries and the Failed Promise of Law, INJURY AND INJUSTICE: THE CULTURAL POLITICS OF HAR AND REDRESS (Anne Bloom et al., eds) (Cambridge University Press).
Religion, Modernity, and Injury in Thailand, RELIGION IN DISPUTES: PERVASIVENESS OF RELIGIOUS NORMATIVITY IN DISPUTING PROCESSES (Franz von Benda-Beckmann et al., eds.) (Palgrave: 2013)
"The Spirits Were Always Watching": Buddhism, Secular Law, and Social Change, in Thailand, AFTER SECULAR LAW (Winnifred Fallers Sullivan et al., eds.) (Stanford University Press: 2011)
David Engel and "The Oven Bird's Song" (Edited Interview), CONDUCTING LAW AND SOCIETY RESEARCH: REFLECTIONS ON METHODS AND PRACTICE (Simon Halliday and Patrick Schmidt, eds.) (Cambridge University Press: 2009)
Discourses of Causation in Injury Cases: Exploring Thai and American Legal Cultures, FAULT LINES: TORT LAW AS CULTURAL PRACTICE (David M. Engel and Michael McCann, eds.) (Stanford University Press: 2009)
Introduction: Tort Law as Cultural Practice, FAULT LINES: TORT LAW AS CULTURAL PRACTICE (David M. Engel and Michael McCann, eds.) (Stanford University Press: 2009)
Globalization and Law in Everyday Life, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LAW AND SOCIETY: AMERICAN AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES (Sage Publications: 2007)
Injury and Identity: The Damaged Self in Three Cultures, BETWEEN LAW AND CULTURE: RELOCATING LEGAL STUDIES (David Theo Goldberg, Michael Musheno, Lisa Bower, eds.) (University of Minnesota Press: 2001)
How Does Law Matter in the Constitution of Legal Consciousness?, HOW DOES LAW MATTER? (Bryant G. Garth and Austin Sarat, eds.) (Northwestern University Press: 1998)
Law in the Domains of Everyday Life: The Construction of Community and Difference, LAW IN EVERYDAY LIFE (Austin Sarat and Thomas R. Kearns, eds.) (University of Michigan Press: 1993)