Matthew Dimick

Man sitting inside a library, smiling.

Professor; Director of the Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy

Research Focus: Labor and Employment Law, Contracts, Tax Policy, Legal Theory, Law and Economics
Links: Curriculum VitaeSSRN

Contact Information

618 O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100

Biography Publications


CRITICAL ENCOUNTERS WITH HABERMAS’ LEGAL THEORY (John Abromeit, Matthew Dimick & Paul Linden-Retek, eds., Brill Publishers, forthcoming 2025).

THE LAW AND ECONOMICS OF INCOME INEQUALITY (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2025).

Journal Articles

Race and Reification,” HISTORICAL MATERIALISM (forthcoming)

The Minimum Wage and Wage Protection, THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF THE LAW OF WORK (forthcoming)

Inframarginalism and the Distributive Corollary of the Coase Theorem, INFRAMARGINALISM (forthcoming)

Marx and Domination: Issues for Labour Law, NEW FOUNDATIONS FOR LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW (forthcoming)

Conflict of Laws? Tensions Between Antitrust and Labor Law, 90 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW REVIEW 379 (2023)

Evgeny Pashukanis’ Commodity-Form Theory of Law, RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON LAW & MARXISM, 115–38

Counterfeit Liberty, 3 CATALYST 47, 47-88 (2019)

The Law and Economics of Redistribution, 15 ANNUAL REVIEW OF LAW & SOCIAL SCIENCE 559, 559-82 (2019)

Models of Other-Regarding Preferences, Inequality and Redistribution (with D. Rueda and D. Stegmueller) ANNAUAL REVIEW OF POLICITAL SCIENCE vol. 21:441-460 (2018)

Better than Basic Income? Liberty, Equality, and the Regulation of Working Time, INDIANA LAW REVIEW vol. 50:473 (2017)

Should the Law Do Anything About Economic Inequality?, CORNELL JOURNAL OF LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY vol. 26 (2016)

Wage-Setting Institutions and Corporate Governance (with Neel Rao), JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS (2016)

Lords and Order: Credible Rulers and State Failure, RATIONALITY & SOCIETY vol. 27 : 161-194 (2015)  

Productive Unionism, UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW, vol. 4: 1 (2014)

Compensation, Employment Security, and the Economics of Public Sector Labor Law, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO LAW REVIEW vol. 43: 533-561 (2012) (invited contribution for “Public Sector Labor Law at the Crossroads” symposium)

Labor Law, New Governance, and the Ghent System, NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW vol. 90: 319 (2012)

Maybe it's a Relic, but the Union Model is Essential,, Feb. 25, 2011

Revitalizing Union Democracy: Labor Law, Bureaucracy, and Workplace Association, DENVER UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW vol. 88: 1 (2010)

Book Chapters

Evgeny Pashukanis’ Commodity-Form Theory of Law, in RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON LAW AND MARXISM (Umut Özsu & Paul O’Connell eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2021)

A Profession of Its Own: The Rise of Health Information Professionals in American Healthcare, MEDICAL PROFESSIONALISM IN THE NEW INFORMATION AGE (Rutgers University Press: 2010) p. 132


Review of VARIETIES OF LIBERALIZATION AND THE NEW POLITICS OF SOCIAL SOLIDARITY by Kathleen Thelen, Contemporary Society, vol. 45 p. 93 (2016)