SUNY Distinguished Professor;
Hodgson Russ Faculty Scholar;
University at Buffalo Distinguished Professor
Research Focus: Criminal Law, Jurisprudence, Law and Literature
Links: Curriculum Vitae Download pdf, SSRN
716 O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100
Guyora Binder was formerly law clerk to federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein, Dana Fellow of Comparative Jurisprudence at UCLA, a visiting professor at the University of Michigan, Georgetown University, Vanderbilt University and Cornell Law Schools and the Leah Kaplan Visiting Professor of Human Rights at Stanford Law School. He was formerly Vice Dean for Research and Faculty Development and Chair of the President’s Review Board.
Binder has written in the areas of criminal law, law and literature, critical legal theory, constitutional history, and international law. He is the author of Treaty Conflict and Political Contradiction (Praeger, 1988), Literary Criticisms of Law (Princeton, 2000, with Robert Weisberg), Felony Murder (Stanford, 2012), The Oxford Introductions to U.S. Law: Criminal Law (Oxford, 2016) and Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (Aspen, formerly Little, Brown,1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2021, with John Kaplan & Robert Weisberg). His work has appeared in Yale Law Journal, University of Chicago Law Review, Stanford Law Review, Columbia Law Review, Texas Law Review, Michigan Law Review, Georgetown Law Journal, Boston University Law Review, Notre Dame Law Review, Indiana Law Journal, Illinois Law Review, Cardozo Law Review, Emory Law Journal, University of Toronto Law Review, Yale Journal of Law and Humanities, Harvard Law & Policy Review, and American Criminal Law Review and is forthcoming in the Iowa Law Review and the Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology.