graphic of a person working and a person relaxing.

Balancing the Scales: 10 Essential Tips for Work-Life Balance as a Lawyer

Published November 6, 2017

Updated August 30, 2024

Photo of Lindsay Gladney.

Lindsay Gladney is the Vice Dean for Admissions at the University at Buffalo School of Law.

In the legal profession, work-life balance is more than a buzzword — it's crucial for maintaining health, happiness and fighting off the ever-present deadlines. It’s no secret that work-life balance is a common topic within the field, and every lawyer has their own tricks to maintain a healthy workload and healthy mind — and obviously the American Bar Association (ABA) shines an important light on the subject. While the demands on lawyers can pile up higher than the laundry, achieving a fulfilling balance is possible. Here are our 10 tips to help you find that sweet spot.

1. Define your personal balance

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to work-life balance, and setting a standard for your professional life will help you in the long run. What works for one lawyer might not work for another. Reflect on your values and priorities and decide if you are more “live to work” or “work to live.” Consider what balance looks like for you, and that will help the other 9 of these tips resonate even more!

2. Claim a day just for yourself

Do you have a hobby you’re passionate about? A skill you want to improve? A specific restaurant you’ve been meaning to try? Choose Saturday or Sunday and dedicate it to non-work activities. Use this time to relax, recharge or otherwise remind yourself what you really work for. 

3. Delegate (if possible)!

To borrow from the poets, “no man is an island.” Delegating tasks can free up time and mental energy, allowing you to focus on the big-ticket items, both in your personal and professional life.

4. Take care of your body

If you’re overworking yourself, your body will let you know. Pay attention to those burnout signals as signs that you need to step back and rest. The ABA suggests incorporating regular physical activity into your routine, even if it’s just a daily walk, to help manage stress and maintain energy levels.

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5. Be transparent with friends, family and coworkers

Whether it’s a personal commitment, a health issue or a need for workspace accommodations, communicating your needs openly is a great idea. Transparency is key to making sure everyone is on the same page for a supportive and collaborative work environment!

6. Embrace efficiency everywhere

Working smarter doesn’t end at the office, you know! Apply efficient strategies at home to maximize your downtime: prep meals in advance (or at least decide the menu); batch small tasks together like doing laundry and decluttering the closet on the same day; or even outsource the house cleaning every now and again. Whatever works as your everyday sidekick. 

7. Don’t stop networking

Surround yourself with friends and family who uplift you. Spending time with people who recharge your batteries (instead of draining them!) can help you maintain a positive outlook and keep stress in check. A strong support system is key to balancing the demands of a legal career with personal well-being.

8. Set realistic expectations

Don’t be too hard on yourself if your work-life balance isn’t perfect. The ABA emphasizes the importance of self-compassion in maintaining mental health. There will be good days and bad days, on days and off days, and that’s part of achieving the balance. Nothing will ever be perfect and it doesn’t have to be! 

9. Plan ahead for planned absences

Things will come up and you’ll sometimes have to take time off without notice and there’s usually not much you can do about that. But when the absence is planned, it’s easier to unwind and relax when you’re away from work if you know things are covered. Do a little extra work before you’ll be out so things don’t pile up too much for your return. 

10. Remember your purpose

Lastly, reconnect with the reasons you entered the legal field. This is a profession that truly makes a difference on the long and winding path to justice. Staying connected to your purpose can provide motivation and fulfillment, making the balancing act easier.

Finding the right work-life balance as a lawyer is a personal journey. If you make sure to focus as much on what you can do outside the office as you can inside it, you’ll be better equipped to handle the pressures of your career and fulfill your personal life.

Additional Resources

Photo of Lindsay Gladney.

Lindsay Gladney is the Vice Dean for Admissions at the University at Buffalo School of Law.


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University at Buffalo School of Law
408 O'Brian Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260

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University at Buffalo School of Law
408 O'Brian Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260