School of Law Admissions Blog

School of Law Blog.

All the advice needed to successfully apply and excel in law school and beyond.

  • 5 Tips for Making Your American Law Degree Useful North of the Border
    So you’ve considered studying law in the U.S., but aren’t quite sure of the implications for legal practice in Canada. Though your American law degree will authorize you to sit for any state bar exam, you might be itching for a return to the land of hockey and poutine.
  • From Our Students: My UB Law Experience as a Canadian
    One of the greatest things about law school is that everyone has their own reason for being here. Sure, some of our reasons are the same—maybe you are inspired by Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Elle Woods, maybe you want to be the change, or maybe you see the endless possibilities that the legal field can provide you.  Deciding to apply to law school is the easy part…
  • Should You Take the LSAT or GRE for Your Law School Application?
    It’s a common question among law school applicants: should I take the LSAT or GRE? This blog post covers some of the common distinctions of both and discusses how the best choice for you might depend on your own particular situation.
  • 5 Tips for Making the Most of Virtual Law Fairs
    The 2020 recruitment season has begun and chances are some (or most) of the law fairs on your schedule will be virtual. But just because COVID-19 has thrown a wrench into typical fall season plans, it doesn’t mean you can’t still take advantage of all that virtual law fairs can offer. Here are some of the University at Buffalo School of Law’s top things to remember when you virtually meet for law fairs this season.
  • What is the LSAT FLEX?
    In light of the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Law School Admission Council is offering an online, remotely proctored version of the LSAT — called the LSAT-Flex. In this blog you'll find out what to expect with the LSAT-Flex and how it differs from the original LSAT exam.
  • Waitlist Advice From Our Students Pt. 2
    Finding out that you have been placed on the waitlist of a law school you've applied to may feel disheartening, but there is hope! Dorothy Shuldman '22 offers some advice about being on the waitlist.
  • What does “Defund the Police” mean? Finding Answers to Common Questions.
    Following the University at Buffalo School of Law’s recent webinar discussion, this blog post answers some of the more common questions around defunding the police and how attempts to do so are gaining traction in the US and around the world.
  • When the World is Ending, But Your Summer Internship is Not: A Lesson in Resiliency
    My first law school class, Legal Analysis Writing and Research (LAWR) with Professor Reilly, did not start with a breakdown of how to write like a lawyer, or a rundown of all the assignments due, or anything educational for that matter. Instead the first lesson was about resiliency – and for every class after that, the first ten minutes were dedicated to the same topic.
  • How COVID Is Impacting International Students
    Hear from our current student, Franco Mirolo, about how immigration and travel policies related to COVID impact him and other international students who are studying in the United States.
  • Waitlist Advice From Our Students Pt. 1
    Finding out that you have been placed on the waitlist of a law school you've applied to may feel disheartening, but there is hope! Khalil Williams '21 answers some questions and offers some advice about being on the waitlist.


Office of Admissions
University at Buffalo School of Law
408 O'Brian Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260
