Clinical Legal Education

Exterior image of O'Brian Hall, North Campus with the bridge text "Creating opportunity. Fighting for justice".

Exterior image of O'Brian Hall, North Campus. The Clinical Legal Education program is located at 507 O'Brian Hall. 

Delivering access to justice while teaching UB law students to be excellent, ethical, and engaged lawyers.

Clinical Legal Education Overview

Our Clinical Legal Education program offers diverse and sophisticated practice opportunities to upper-class and LL.M. students working closely with skilled supervising attorneys.

Our clinical offerings involve cutting-edge issues and complex matters in which creativity and innovation play key roles in serving clients effectively. Our clinics empower you to be successful.

Currently Available Clinics

  • Access to Justice Clinic
    In the Access to Justice Clinic (A2J), student attorneys work to protect and advance civil rights, equal rights, and reproductive justice, especially for vulnerable and underrepresented communities.
  • Civil Rights & Transparency Clinic
    The Civil Rights and Transparency Clinic is a litigation clinic focused on civil rights and civil liberties. As a part of our civil rights mission, we represent tenants facing eviction and engage in impact litigation in practice areas like housing and employment discrimination.
  • Criminal Justice Advocacy Clinic
    The Criminal Justice Advocacy Clinic provides students with an opportunity to represent incarcerated individuals in second-look proceedings and to advocate for criminal system reforms in New York State. 
  • Entrepreneurship Law Center Clinic
    The Entrepreneurship Law Center Clinic (e-Law Center Clinic) will provide legal services to entrepreneurs and startups who are not yet ready or able to engage outside legal counsel.
  • Environmental Advocacy Clinic
    The University at Buffalo School of Law’s Environmental Advocacy Clinic addresses local, state, national, and global environmental issues, with student lawyers taking lead roles alongside clients and experts on impactful matters.
  • Family Violence and Women’s Rights Clinic
    In the Family Violence and Women’s Rights Clinic (FVWRC), students are invited to join the fight towards attaining justice and safety for survivors of family violence.
  • Sports Law Clinic
    This exciting new clinic provides students with the opportunity to work on current issues in sports law and policy.  
  • Mediation Clinic
    The increasingly vital craft of mediation and interest-based negotiation is the focus of the School of Law’s Mediation Clinic; working on cases referred by local courts or other mediation agencies, students help resolve disputes in family law, small claims and the community.

Meet Our Team

Headshot of the Director of Clinical Legal Education, Bernadette Gargano.

Bernadette Gargano

Vice Dean for Experiential Education and Social Justice Initiatives; Director of Clinical Legal Education

516 O'Brian Hall

Phone: 716-645-2167


Headshot of the Assistant Managing Director of Clinical Legal Education, Jordyn Wysocki.

Jordyn Wysocki

Assistant Managing Director

Clinical Legal Education

507 O'Brian Hall

Phone: 716-645-8907


Headshot of the Paralegal, Julie Schuster.

Julie Schuster

Senior Program Coordinator & Paralegal

Clinical Legal Education

504 O'Brian Hall

Phone: 716-645-2167


Headshot of the Program Coordinator, Audrey Grout.

Audrey Grout

Program Coordinator and Staff Assistant

Clinical Legal Education

507 O'Brian Hall

Phone: 716-645-2167
